
 1900 in Calandra, Teruel Feb 22nd. b. Luis Buñuel.  
    Spanish Film Maker who also acquired Mexican citizenship. 
    He is considered one of finest directors in the history of cinema .
    He described his birthplace by saying that in Calanda, 
    The Middle Ages lasted until World War I.
    The family moved to Saragossa, 
    He received a strict Jesuit education at the Colegio del Salvador from which he was 
    later expelled.
    One of his lifelong inspirations was de Sade.
    "God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed."

 1917 Went to university in Madrid; becoming a very close friend of Salvador Dali 
    and Federico Garcia Lorca, 
    Bunuel first studied agronomy, then industrial engineering, and finally switched to philosophy.

 1922 Salvador Dali's Suenos Noctambulos includes -> him and Maruja Mallo.

 1925 To Paris where he began work as a secretary for  International Society of 
    Intellectual Cooperation. 

 1926 Director's assistant to  Jean Epstein -> on  Mauprat ->.

 1927 Director's assistant to Mario Nalpas on La Sirene des Tropiques -> 
    starring Josephine Baker.

 1928 Director's assistant to Epstein on La chute de la maison Usher ->
    Met Jeanne Rucar. 

 1929  co-wrote and directed Un Chien Andalou  with Salvador Dali. 
    Written with Dali in Figueres.
    Introduced by Teriade of Cahiers d'art to Man Ray who in turn introduces 
    him to Louis Aragon
    At Cafe Cyrano introduced to Max Ernst, Andre Breton, Paul Eluard, 
    Tristan Tzara, Rene Char, Pierre Unik, Yves Tanguy, Jean Arp, 
    Maxime Alexandre and Rene Magritte.

 1930 L'Age d'or partly based on the Marquis de Sade's 120 Days of Sodom. 
    Assisted by Jacques Brunius.
    Financed by Charles de Noailles for the birthday of his wife Marie-Laure de Noailles. 
    Begun as a collaboration but fell out with Dali after fiming began.
    Features Max Ernst.
    Friendships with Fernand Leger and Andre Masson.
    The right-wing press criticized the film and the police placed a ban on it that 
    lasted 50 years.
    Friendships with Roger Vitrac, Andre Thirion, Andre Derain. 
    Jacques Prevert introduces him to Georges Bataille and his wife Silvia Makles.
    Introduces Michel Leiris to Prince de Ligne, brother in law of Charles de Noailles.
    Writes screenplay to Wuthering Heights with Pierre Unik.
    Bunuel returned to Spain.

 1933 Directed Las Hurdes: Tierra Sin Pan (Land Without Bread) ->. 
    Written with Pierre Unik.
    Eli Lotar was the cinematographer.
    See Video ->.
    Contributed to Le Surrealisme au service de la revolution?

 1934 m. Jeanne Rucar. Lives in Madrid. 

 1936 Co-wrote and produced a documentary short about the changing political climes 
    in Spain, called España. 
    Around this time he suggested to Leonora Carrington that she become his 
    mistress giving her the key to the secret studio that he used as a love nest 
    telling her to meet him the next afternoon. Early the next morning. Leonora went 
    to visit the place and found it tasteless. Taking advantage of the fact that 
    she was in her menstrual period, she covered her hands with blood and used them 
    to make bloody handprints all over the walls in order to provide a bit of decoration 
    for that anonymous, impersonal room. 1 

 1938 In exile after the Spanish Civil War. 
    Buñuel settled in Hollywood visited Rene Clair.

 1941 He then left Hollywood for New York, getting a job at the Museum of Modern Art 
    from Iris Barry, where he put together compilation films, and edited a shorter version 
    of Leni Riefenstahl's propaganda film glorifying Hitler, Triumph of the Will ->.
    Stayed with Alexander Calder and took over his lease.
    Renewed friendships with Andre Breton, Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, 
    Kurt Seligmann, Yves Tanguy, Fernand Leger
    and met Leonora Carrington, Saint Exupery, Claude Levi Strauss.
    Bunuel was fired (or resigned) from MOMA, supposedly after Cardinal Spellman 
    of New York went to see Iris Barry, head of the film department at MOMA. 

 1944 Returned to Hollywood renewing friendship with Rene Clair and 
    Erich von Stroheim; worked in the dubbing department of Warner Brothers.

 1946 Accompanied Denise Tual to Mexico who introducing him 
    to Oscar Dancigers, the producer ->
    whom he had met previously in Paris pre-war with Jacques Prevert.
    Directed Gran Casino produced by Oscar Dancigers. 

 1949 acquired Mexican citizenship.
    He later again collaborated with Dancigers in creating El Gran Calavera 
    with .

 1950 Los Olvidados  recently considered by UNESCO as 
    part of the world's cultural heritage. 
    Bunuel remained in Mexico for the rest of his life, although he spent periods of 
    time filming in France.

 1954 Judge at Cannes Film Festival with Jean Cocteau.

 1955 Raymond Queneau worked with him on the screenplay of La Mort et ce jardin.

 1972? Along with his screenwriter Jean-Claude Carriere and producer Serge Silberman,
    was invited by George Cukor to his house. 
    This gathering was particularly memorable and other invitees included Alfred Hitchcock, 
    Rouben Mamoulian, Robert Mulligan, George Stevens, Billy Wilder, Robert Wise and William Wyler.

 1982 (with Jean-Claude Carriere) an autobiography, Mon Dernier Soupir (My Last Sigh).

 1983? d.  July 29 Mexico city

    See IMDB -> and Senses of Cinema ->.
    See work ->; and more -> and quotes ->.

    A companion to Luis Bunuel - Gwynne Edwards (2010) 
    Memoirs of a Woman Without a Piano: My Life with Luis Bunuel - Jeanne Rucar de Bunuel. 
    Un Chien Andalou - Video ->. 
    L'Age d'Or - Video ->.
    Luis Bunuel's ashes are missing ->.

    1 The Spiritual Journey of Alejandro Jodorowsky.

    See Timeline