
 1907 Dec 29th. b. Cambrai.
   French  Poet Painter Illustrator.

 1926 One of the founding contributers to Le grand Jeu.

 1931  Tricoteuse.
 1933 Leaves Le Grand Jeu for the Surrealists.

 1934 Signatory to Appel A La Lutte.

 1938 January; exhibits a mannequin -> at the Exposition Internationale du Surrealisme? 
   at the Galerie Beaux-Arts, Paris; organizers Andre Breton, Marcel Duchamp.
   Photographed by Raoul Ubac.

 1941 Joins La Main a Plume. 

 1946 The maitre-d'Oe“uvre a large collective fresco for the waiting room of 
    l'Hospital Sainte-Anne in Paris, destroyed during the occupation.
    Participants included Francis Bott, Oscar Dominguez, Maurice Henry, Jacques Herold, 
    Marcel Jean and J. V. Manuel, among others.

 1947 Group Surrealist photograph taken at Galerie Maeght by Denise Bellon.

 1984 Oct. 21st. d. Milan.

  See wiki (Fr). -> and article ->.

  See Timeline