
   1920 Erste Internationale Dada Messe held in Berlin  June 30th to August 25th

   The main organizer of the exhibition were "Marshall" George Grosz, "Dadasoph" Raoul Hausmann 
   and "Monteurdada" John Heartfield Gallery owner Otto Burchard - financial Dada.

   Johannes Theodor Baargeld
   Hannah Hoch - da-Dandy ~> 1919 - 
   and Cut with the Kitchen knife ~> 
   Hans Arp 
   Max Ernst  - Erectio sine qua non ~> - 1919  
   Alois Erbach, 
   Rudolf Schlichter
   Johannes Baader - Photo: The great Plasto-Dio-Dada drama 
   Georg Scholz 
   Fritz Stuckenberg , 
   Hans Heinz Stuckenschmidt
   Otto Dix - 45% Erwerbsfahig! ~> - 1920 (destroyed)- 
   George Grosz - Germany, a winter fairy tale ~> - 1918 (lost) - 
   Richard Huelsenbeck participated with his Dadaist novel Germany must go under. 
   Walter Serner exhibited a photo portrait 
   Hugo Ball's poem Caravan was printed on a sheet of the Dadaco

   Ben Hecht , a friend of Grosz and war correspondent for the Chicago Daily News and thus a 
   representative of the New World , represented the international claim of the exhibition, 
   which the organizers were pursuing. 
   The artists' family members also exhibited, according to Max Schlichter, a brother of 
   Rudolf Schlichter, who maintained the prominent artist restaurant "Willys" on Kurfürstendamm. 
   Maud Grosz, George Grosz's wife, also contributed the first “Dadaist pillows”, and music critic 
   Hans Heinz Stuckenschmidt was represented with five collages. 
   Hans Citroen, the then 14-year-old brother of Paul Citroen from four plants.

   See Wiki ~>

   See Timeline